Downloads of my BSD on Windows..

bsd42 downloads

I just noticed that sourceforge is making changes to their downloads, so it’ll probably break a tonne of my stuff on this blog (and other places)… but look at the nice picture!

1. United States 913
2. China 321
3. Hungary 152
4. United Kingdom 111
5. Germany 73
6. Canada 36
7. Russia 36
8. Argentina 26
9. Japan 22
10. Greece 16

Which is interesting… well to me anyways. I wonder if it’s more representative of internet penetration, or language barrier?

2 thoughts on “Downloads of my BSD on Windows..

  1. yeah, i'm currently living in hungary, and i told all of my friends about your ready-to-run bsd thingy (or at least those who i thought were interested). so that's around 30 downloads from hungary accounted for..

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