Fun links

Well today it’s raining, and I was trying to get my Verizon DSL working… To no avail, they just keep closing tickets saying it works fine, but my modem just blinks… No connection.

Apparently terminating an analog port is beyond them. I’ll have to cancel the thing on Monday as it’s become a complete waste of time.

Anyways I came across this link, of an incredible PDP-11 collection. This guys got quite a set, and even snuck an 11/750 in there. Sadly he’s running VMS on it… Anyways it’s a great source for some pictures!

And this one is not exactly safe for work, so here is the NSFW tag.. lol but anyways this guy seems to be having way too much fun with his PDP-11.

On that note, I got BOCHS to compile, now I just need to rip apart it’s ethernet code and see if I can inject some SLiRP into it…

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