SimH 3.8 is out!

A new version of SIMH has been released!

You can check it out here. I’ve been on the road so no new compiles of it just yet, but I’ll do what I can.

At the moment I’m on an old computer that Visual C++ express 2008 is out of the question on running. A while ago there was the Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, which has been nearly impossible to track down until I found its real name was VCToolkitSetup.exe

Using filewatcher, I managed to score a copy!

Check file watcher:

I’ve just downloaded it, so I have no idea how much other stuff I need to get to get it going, but I’m thinking a VC 2003 build of the exe’s along with HX DOS for the MS-DOS users ought to provide a good solution. HX DOS is awesome as it does what Pharlap TNT did back in the day, but it does more! And it’s free, no insane fee schedules like Pharlap TNT had… Frankly Pharlap slit their own throats by making their product so expensive. If it had been CHEAP/Free to developers, and cheap for distribution odds are nobody would be running windows…

Anyways for whatever reason, I get people downloading the MS-DOS builds of simh, and I figure this will make a good compromise as they can run the same build as everyone else. Looking at this refrence It should be possible to write a network driver using the old packet interface to have simh on MS-DOS live on the network… I’m not sure if I’ll actually do it, as I don’t know if people would want it… But then I’m still amazed that there are MS-DOS downloads from sourceforge… 22 of them, and I swear it’s not me!

Also I spotted this while it’s in Japanese I think it has some kind of guide and some simple examples of a ‘text mode’ windows program… It may be a good thing for some ancient windows/Windows CE simh stuff…

Just a thought at the moment, I can’t promise much.

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