
Ok, this isn’t emulation, exactly but it does involve virtual networking…

I’m talking about Anonet! it’s an internet style network that is encapsulated over OpenVPN.

From the site:

In early 2005, a few people fed up with the way the Internet was heading, began in earnest to create a large wide area network that was secure and lived in its own space. On this new network anyone would be free to do as they saw fit – roam about, host services, or just be social without fear of being monitored or even worse censored. The first step to bring this network to fruition was to encrypt the information that normally travels across the Internet. What they ended up with is known as anoNet.This network was inspired by MetaNet, another “dark” network on the Internet, that used similar techniques to reach their goals. A few “core” members of anoNet were once a part of MetaNet but due to their strict nature, peering with MetaNet was lost and they became an “island”. anoNet has already surpassed what MetaNet had in membership, and is on its way to being a viable alternative to the “Internet” you currently know, whether you love it or hate it. If you are feeling adventurous check it out. If you are feeling really adventurous you can help; there is still lots to be done.

So how does it work? Basically each ‘node’ runs OpenVPN connections to other peers, and they redistribute all networks over BGP. It’s very much in the same style as the real internet. I’d recommend checking it out. As for getting on the Anonet, it’s pretty simple. Just follow the instructions here:

It will run on any platform that runs OpenVPN. I’m using Windows 2000 Pro in a VirtualPC VM. I hang out on the anonet IRC server from time to time ( #anonet) if you are feeling brave, load up openvpn, retreive the client configuration and drop by!

If you are feeling real brave, try to become a peer onto the network!

5 thoughts on “Anonet

  1. Seems that they clientport VPN is broken. I tried several times and always the same error: unable to verify server certificate.

    Hope they will fix it soon, I want to check them out.

  2. I've been having trouble trying to get anonet going with openvpn. I think the problem is that they updated their config file, but they never updated the keys. The new conf file looks for the keys with different names than the ones on the site. Modifying the config file to look for the correct produces this error while connecting:

    VERIFY ERROR: depth=1, error=self signed certificate in certificate chain: /
    C=AN/ST=AN/L=Anonet/O=Anonet/CN=Anonet_CA/[email protected]
    Sun Dec 21 19:11:14 2008 us=270765 TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error:
    error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify fail
    Sun Dec 21 19:11:14 2008 us=270825 TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext r
    ead error
    Sun Dec 21 19:11:14 2008 us=270878 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
    Sun Dec 21 19:11:14 2008 us=270989 TCP/UDP: Closing socket

    Any idea what's up?

  3. Hi,

    Can you give the source of the files needed to connect to anonet especially the client keys and security certificates. I think the ports are changed.

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