Standalone Virtual Server annoyances

Ok, Ive been out of the country for a while… lots of fun!

At anyrate, I’ve installed Virtual Server 2005 R2SP1 on my parents computer to give it a good shake down. The good part is that it support’s DVD iso images! Woohoo!

The bad part is that for the most part you’ll get access errors when trying to use it. The only way I’ve figured out how to setup the thing, is to first configure IIS to not allow anonymous users, use the ‘built in security’. Next you’ll have to tell IE that on ‘trusted’ or ‘local’ zones you should have it pass the security automatically. That’ll get you to the configuration page. The next hurdle is that it wont let you start a remote console..

You’ll have to go into the virtual server security setup, and explicity add your user in there with full rights. The administrators group isn’t enough.

With all that out of the way you should be good to go now!

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