And we’re back

Dead cat bounce

Still waiting for a root cause, and checking some way to do live backups of everything…

Apparently all the kids are flocking to containers as the next way to deal with DLL hell, and as some flimsy response to BSD Jails… I guess that’ll be the next thing.


9 thoughts on “And we’re back

  1. > Apparently all the kids are flocking to containers as the next way to deal with DLL hell, and as some flimsy response to BSD Jails… I guess that’ll be the next thing.

    Don’t forget Solaris zones, too. As usual, everyone’s been doing it better and earlier, but NIH leads to the shoehorned solutions we all know.

    • The stupid process for renewing doesn’t work anymore, and I haven’t quite decided what Im going to do with that server setup just yet.

      • For the record, I still have muscle memory for that URL. There are probably still a lot of references to it. Whatever you do, please don’t break it.

        • Yeah, it took a while to get the redirection working just fine, and I’m a little hesitant to mess with it. Then again it is in a VM, so I guess I can just copy it out, suspend it and push out a new one.

          I could go on and on about hosting stuff, and how my stuff is kind of out of control, although my experiment in moving to something managed seems to have gone wrong as well…

          As much as I may even think about exporting everything and going back to where I started, Blogspot, they are censored in China and that’s no good, especially since I actually get a lot of legit traffic from China, they just seem very shy about commenting.

          I know quite a lot of things reference the old long domain as I’ve been using it on and off since 97 or thereabouts. Although I did foolishly let it lapse a few times. Not to mention the big fight I got into with the last person who took the domain..

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