While cruising around at doomworld.com looking for something else, I saw this thread: ‘Recovered’ DOSDoom 0.2.
So I quickly built it with my MinGW32-DJGPP using GCC 3.4.5. And this version needs the Allegro library as it has sound effects audio! Although building Allegro needed GCC and Binutils 2.8.1. Using other versions just led to nothing but trouble. I ended up just installing DJGPP on DOSBox to build Allegro which took … a whlie to build. Although being able to cross compile dosdoom from Windows was far far far quicker.
So yeah, it runs. With sound. It’s great. Allegro integration isn’t anywhere as near complete at this point it’s just the sound files. I took a much later version of dosdoom’s MIDI code, which required the Allegro timer, which interfered with my older timer IRQ hook. Converting the whole thing to use the Allegro timer, and keyboard wasn’t too difficult, and that gives my DooM source fork a really full feeling when using DJGPP v2.
Although I’m having issues uploading from China at the moment.