In China the tradition of using hard subs so that no subversive messages can be later inserted sometimes leads to some ‘funny’ situations.
As you may have heard there has been numerous protests here again over the extradition bill, along with the lack of universal suffrage, to outright collusion with the police & the triads. Now the PLA is getting in on the messaging, by doing a promo video featuring the Hong Kong garrison reminding us that they have all various calibers of machine guns, armored vehicles, boats, helicopters and rockets to subdue unarmed civilians.
At the 2:12 mark these kids are saying ‘So fierce’ and of course the translation slips through what the video is really about.
With all the ridiculousness of the past month, I really cant see the government taking us to the point of Martial Law. But there is always that possibility the last month has been anything but typical.