Python command line network speed test

Not bragging..

So you know all the old stuff.  They have their old flash based client, and a html5 client, but what if you are on a bare VPS, and you don’t want to install X and the gigs of desktop to run a simple bandwidth test?

Well install python, and then run this:

curl -s | python –

And away it goes!

# curl -s | python –
Retrieving configuration…
Testing from Joe’s Datacenter (…
Retrieving server list…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by Packet Layer Consulting LLC (Kansas City, KS) [5.37 km]: 5.394 ms
Testing download speed……………………………………………………………………..
Download: 53.06 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed……………………………………………………………………………………….
Upload: 110.83 Mbit/s


2 thoughts on “Python command line network speed test

  1. The values I get there seem unreasonably low. Using the website I get 494 Mbit/s down and 785 MBit/s up, while the script only returns 73.51 Mbit/s down and 12.69 Mbit/s up.

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