Since MS-DOS has it’s 6.1.0 I was dying to re-build stuff for 6.1.0.  As I don’t want to build it myself I did mange to find a version on
I rebuilt Cockatrice III, and that seems to be running fine.
Continuing from my GCC 1.40 on Windows, here is version 6.1.0’s scores:
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 500000000 passes = 53
This machine benchmarks at 9433962 dhrystones/second
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 500000000 passes = 18
This machine benchmarks at 27777777 dhrystones/second
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 500000000 passes = 16
This machine benchmarks at 31250000 dhrystones/second
Dhrystone(1.1) time for 500000000 passes = 13
This machine benchmarks at 38461538 dhrystones/second
As you can see the scores are actually slower than GCC 5.1.0. Â Well that was kind of surprising. Â Since I almost never read the manual, I did find out about -Ofast vs -O3/-O2, and yes, it is much faster! Â So I guess I should recompile everything with GCC 5.1.0 … But I do prefer the diagnostic messages in GCC 6, it’s very CLANG like.
I wonder what difference all the years of optimization would do to something like Quake (1996).
just read debian news
“gcc for i386 has recently been changed
to target 686-class processors and is generating code that will crash
on other processors”
well F, there goes the Quake idea.
Its not all that bad!
So you have PII onward. A while back I had bench’d Quake with Visual C++, but doing the same with GCC shouldn’t be too hard. I’m not going to even try to build it with GCC 1.4 though. Although I guess if you can convert C++ comments into C comments, maybe it would work? I’m just not manually looking for // to /* */
Quake was originally cross-compiled from GCC 2.7.2, right? (With some hand-written assembly.) So that’s a very weak compiler, comparatively. But then again, I doubt GCC intentionally has improved anything 586-related in decades. I seriously doubt they even test on P4s anymore.
Bah, just ask your friend (UHexen2 dude) to test for you! If anybody knows, he does. 😉
I’m sure they have, with respect to the overall optimization strategies.