Yes I see you trying to login as me. Â Yes I blocked your Russian and Ukrainian addresses.
What are you so desperate to see here?
There is no deep secret files, or drafts.
If anything I get into trouble for revealing too much when I do find stuff.
Take it easy man, there really isn’t anything to see here.
I think those are botnets who generally try to attack every single wordpress out there. IMO passwords are bad idea in general. Two factor auth, captcha or anti bot plugins are the way to go.
This one was weird as he was using my username.. and only from 2 residential addresses. Although it’s a drive from St Petersburg and Kiev.
Yeah going to have to go that way with 2 factor… crazy thing that Internet.
BTW, Снежана (“Snezhana”) is a female name.
“snow woman”…
There’s a great TED talk on how long easy to remember passwords are so much more efficient than short ‘complex’ ones.. nice xkcd.
There are also a bunch of 2-step auths for WP – for example.