more etc…
Some of the stuff is getting ironed out, it plays better for sure.
I had to start separating things out to make some older C compilers happy…
I still do not understand how ‘float’ types keep changing sizes between 16bit/32bit compilers…. Was there ever ANY consistent floating point types in C between 16/32bit? It really sucks to have binary data and find out you cannot ‘read’ it…..
Did people just force people to dump their data into ASCII, and reload it into 32bit formats, and tell everyone to ONLY use 32bit?
I know I’m like 15 years late to this party, as everyone is going through the win32 to win64 thing… Although I’m surprised Tradewars C’s win64 version runs happily with a win32 generated data file…….
Oh and ports in this version:
MS-DOS (realmode)
Win16 (QuickC for Windows’s QuickWin)
Win32 (Visual C++ 1.0’s CLI libc.lib exe… )
Win64 (Visual Studio 2008 cli)
Linux (x86 built with debian -static…..)
OS/2 (16 bit built with Microsoft C 6)
Although it supports multiple users, it’s still a single player game… I suppose it shouldn’t be too hard to constantly check the user record & sector record of where they are with stuff changing…..?
Anyways my work is here:
The article brought to mind a problem which I confronted some time ago, when trying to load binary data generated by some old compiler:
did you know that Microsoft even had their own floating point format dubbed MBF (Microsoft Binary Format)? You can read some basic information about it and find code to convert them to more "modern" formats in the article I've wrote several years ago for CodeProject:
thanks for the info… it doesn't surprise me… What's more funny to me is that QuickC for Windows can produce a Win16 & MSDOS exe that can read/write the same data, but Microsoft C produces an OS/2 exe that CANNOT…
I'm slowly going insane trying to 'think' of a way to store floating point data in a binary method without basically feeding the 8087 by myself….
I do have SQL server 4.21 (the first NT version) but the CD doesn't have any client components… I wonder where those would be for MS-DOS & OS/2…