So cloudflare decided to launch their own DNS, on and .  Apparently in a bid to fix global censorship.  I’m on the road, out of China right now, so I can’t test at the moment, but later in the week I’ll be back, and check out how the Great Firewall handles it.

I’m guessing this is another bid to increase their case for being a content neutral safe harbour, although their CEO personally screwed that up last year showing that they can and will police content when it suits them….  Talk about oops.

As always that is the consequence of speech, some people are really secret assholes.  Although by teyitr to go all cultural revolution on them, you end up not only making them maryters, but also prove that they cannot be countered with words, but only through censorship.

This to me is the scary consequence of everything being commercial, and the right of free association.  Even some moron who thinks the moon is made of cheese can still get mail delivery, but will they be able to work, open a bank account, get internet, or even get food?

I other news, dumping Facebook drops cortisol levels after 5 days.  Turns out that hippy paradise of everyone being able to instantly communicate and share is actually a living hell.

Dump Facebook, hit the gym, get a life.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — Ferris

Happy April fool’s day.

Update, turns out the DNS works from China.  Naturally none of the sites load.

$ nslookup
> www.google.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.google.com
> youtube.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: youtube.com

4 thoughts on “

  1. DNS over TLS on port 853, or DNS over HTTPS on port 443 may work in China, or not(since GFW can just drop all connections to and as well)

    • I’d used it commonly for point to point links outside of the routing table… So yeah this is going to be a bit of a disaster….

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